Friday, September 8, 2017

How to ruin a great design - response

How to ruin a great design?When I first read this title I did not expect to read about London road signs, but hey a design is in ever direction you look.This article was written by Alice Rawsthorn who seemed to be conflicted through the start of her article due to a few poorly designed traffic signs such as explained in her piece.Her starting example was about a Diverted cyclist sign.The problem with this sign was that the "D" was excessively larger than the rest of the signs letter making it distracting and unable to receive its initial message.The article pointed out different examples throughout that weren't all bad, but it also mentions the original creators of the design system Jock Kinneir and Margret Calvert stating that the new road signs are crimes against design.I was informed and delighted when I finished this article and now have a new perspective to look at the world around me.  

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