Friday, September 1, 2017

Day one in Graphics Design

I have a basic to average knowledge of computers that I plan on expanding.

I hope to improve my knowledge within design and computer skills.

The relationship between computers and visual studies to my knowledge seem to go hand and hand in this time and age, but most visuals although do not require a computer to create however they are enhanced through various programs.

I have little to no experience in photoshop or illustrator.

I do have computers and I am unaware if it has photoshop and illustrator.

I use PC.

My major is in Game Design.

I hope to learn all I need to create my own video games.

Leonardo da vinci.

I do not have a specific musician that I prefer or favor.

I have a various set of talents and skills.

I am no more special than the next guy. I try to do what is right and further my knowledge so that I can live a decent life within society, but struggle as anyone else would. I want to go beyond a simple career in game design but I have a long way to go. I going to do my best and will most definitely need as much help as I can get. I have gone through a lot to get but this is only the beginning of my story.


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